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"An education that teaches you to understand something about the world has done only half of the assignment. The other half is to teach you to do something about making it a better place." - Johnetta B. Cole
Our farm is ready to embrace the new PA Science Standards that will now include the study of agriculture, environmental literacy, sustainability and land stewardship. We continue to enhance our farm facility to create an authentic farm experience for our visitors and further develop our multi-disciplinary curriculum to enrich outdoor learning opportunities.
We welcome school groups, home-school groups and community organizations to visit us for an authentic farm experience. Full day or half day programs are offered. Activities are designed to support curricular goals and geared toward the age group. Farm-based activities will follow the flow of the seasons and will teach about the natural world, and the plant and animal kingdoms, and fibers.
No matter the season, there is always a good reason to integrate STEM learning on the farm. For older students, science, particularly botany, comes to life while working with our farmers in the food production area. Students can see how simple machines used on the farm help our farmers, and the ways mathematics is used in almost every aspect of farming.
We are accepting Reservations for Spring and 2025 Field Trips
Full day field trips for large groups are being scheduled on Tuesdays and Fridays. Half day field trips and smaller group size will be scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays. Submit the online form to request more information or to reserve your field trip date.
Spring farming activities may include touring our greenhouses, starting seeds, and planting crops in our production areas. Groups also visit the farm animals and learn about fibers produced on farms.
Due to farm camps our summer schedule is limited for private tours. We can accommodate groups as our schedule permits.
In the autumn, learning about root vegetables, harvesting pumpkins, and planting garlic are main themes for fall curriculum. Visiting the animals round out fall visits to the farm.
Weather permitting, we can accommodate groups on the farm in the winter. The animals are happy to have visitors any time of year!
Environmental Literacy
Pennsylvania's new science standards will be fully implemented by 2025/26 school year. The new standards include a focus on agricultural and environmental systems and resources. At Heritage Creek, students can learn real-world applications of science as it relates to food production, land and water stewardship, and sustainable farming and environmental practices.
Our learning stations and outdoor curriculum are designed to bring science to life!
Simple machines and tools used on the farm demonstrate how technology can assist with agricultural and daily tasks.
Hands-on activities on the farm can teach a variety of practical life skills including engineering.
The farm is great place to learn about the world around us and how the seasonal ebb and flow affects plants and animals and the ecosystem.
Our farm educators teach about land and water stewardship and sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices.
Using agricultural and environmental topics, our farm educators use lessons and hands-on activities that allow students to explore science, math, art, textiles, history and current events.
There are just a few remaining spots available for summer camp, depending upon age and preferred session. If you would like to join us, please fill out the lottery application. See Farm & Forest Camp and Little Seeds Camp for dates and details.